Design Edit Guide

Created: 20 February 2022, 05:34:36 PST
Last updated: 30 March 2022, 19:28:41 PDT

If you have a Keyper design with some visual design elements that you don't like, you're able to change those elements to better suit your tastes. There are three levels of design edits available: free, partial redesign, and full redesign. You will either need to create new art to update the masterlist images with, or gain explicit permission from the original artist(s) to draw edits on top of their artwork. Please make sure to keep the species ToS in mind when making design edits




keypers base

If you don't want to draw your new Keyper design from scratch, you may use this base for free. This base is only meant to be used for personal use in designing your own Keyper. You may NOT use this base for other species, or for general paid commissions. You can take Keyper design commissions on this base, but shouldn't charge more than $30 USD. If you decide to use this base for MYO approvals, you don't need to submit a sketch WIP unless you're significantly changing the tail base! Otherwise you're welcome to just submit a WIP for the Lines or Flats stages.

NEW! April 1st, 2022: We have a new Character Frames feature on-site! In order to ensure your masterlist image fits inside the card frame, you'll need to submit your masterlist image one of two ways:

  1. Save the frame topper image to your device and adjust your masterlist image to fit inside it yourself. Once the design fits how you'd like it shown, you can then save the masterlist image without the frame topper and submit that to your design approval/update.
  2. Save your masterlist image with an extra 2,000 - 3,000 pixels of transparent space on all sides. This will allow you to resize the image smaller in the image cropper tool on-site, but you won't be able to see the edges of the frame topper, so getting the position right will be a bit of a guessing game.


special trait inscriptions

You can purchase a Special Trait Inscription item from the Gem Shard Exchange shop that will allow you to attach one special trait to any Keyper design. Each Special Trait Inscription only allows for the addition of one special trait, so if you'd like to stack multiples (up to 4), then you'll need to purchase as many items as you want to add. Adding a special trait requires a masterlist art update, and you'll need to include the Special Trait Inscription item(s) in the "Add-ons" tab when you go to submit a design update approval.


free design changes

You're able to change a few things about your Keyper design for free, without needing to purchase any redesign potion items. You're able to change your Keyper's gender, body type, hair color, outfit colors and styles, and add prosthetics/tattoos, all for free. A design update submission will still need to be submitted to update the masterlist image, but you won't need to include any add-on items in the submission form. You can also design extra outfits or hairstyles for your Keyper without needing to update the masterlist image, but any other changes will need new art.

If you want to make any changes to a Keyper's fur markings, tail, key, or ear traits, you'll need to purchase redesign potion items from the Gem Shard Exchange shop. Please note that there currently is no way to change a Keyper's subtype. All Basics must stay Basics, all Artisans must stay Artisans, and so on.


partial redesign changes

In order to change the color or trait of a Keyper's tail, key, or ear type, you will need to purchase a Partial Redesign Potion from the Gem Shard Exchange shop. You can only change one aspect of the traits at once, so either a color change OR a trait type change. So, for example, if you have a Keyper with a blue lace tail and white perk ears, one Partial Redesign Potion can change the traits to a blue leather tail and white lop ears. Or it could change the traits to a white lace tail and blue perk ears. Partial Redesign Potions can also be used to swap out special traits, but cannot add special traits.

Please make sure to include that this is a Partial Redesign Change, as well as the kinds of changes being made, in the "Comments" tab of the design update submission. You will also need to attach the "Partial Redesign Potion" item to the submission form under the "Add-ons" tab.

Partial redesign changes should still resemble the original design closely enough that they look like sibling designs. Partial Redesign Potions will also not allow you to change the pattern on the fur markings or the animal type for Artisan designs, but will allow you to change the colors of the fur markings.


full redesign changes

As of April 2022, full redesign changes will no longer be allowed. Instead, we'll be holding design turn-in events throughout the year when interest arises, where you'll be able to transfer a design you own to the Keypers admin account, and receive a MYO Kit for the same subtype and traits as the design you turned in. The designs that were turned in will then have their designs revamped by Keypers staff, and will then be re-released to the community either through sales or raffles, depending on the event. There will also be limitations to how many designs one person can turn in per event and how many events a year a person can participate in to prevent the system from becoming a free MYO farm.


Reverting design changes

If you ever change your mind on a major redesign update, or receive a character from someone that's had paid changes to a design and prefer the original, you can submit a design reversal update for free. Just mention in the "Comments" section that you're reverting design changes, and staff will reactivate the original masterlist image. If the original masterlist image didn't contain any special traits, and you want to keep them, then new art will need to be provided. Otherwise the special traits can all be dropped, and any added appraisal value removed from the design.


how to submit a design update

  • Go to your Characters Page (Menu bar > Home > My Characters), then click on the slot you'd like to turn in a design for.
  • On the left side bar, click on the "Update Design" under the Settings heading. If you're on mobile, you'll need to click on the "Menu" button first to open up the side bar, then "Update Design".
  • This will take you to a new page. Click on the "Create Request" button to create a new design submission draft.
  • Your submission draft will have a few different tabs to fill out and save before you can submit it!
    1. Traits: List the traits you're using in your MYO slot here. These will include the ear and tail types, as well as any special traits.
    2. Masterlist image: Upload your masterlist image in this tab. Please remember it needs to be a full body, transparent .PNG! You'll also need to credit the artist here if you didn't create the art yourself.
    3. Add-ons: If you're using any special traits or redesign potions in your design update, you'll need to attach the correct amount of items here. These will be added under the "Your Inventory" section -- click the checkmark next to the item you'd like to use, and update any quantities if you're adding multiples of one item. If you don't have any items to add, just click the "Save" button at the bottom, and the tab will get the checkmark!
    4. Comments: Please use this tab to list any extra comments or questions for staff. If you're submitting a WIP approval (such as a sketch or flat colors check) please make sure to specify so here! If you've been submitting WIP approvals, please remember to update this comment to say you're submitting the final masterlist art when you've reached that stage, or staff will assume it's still a WIP check! Please also mention here what kind of design update you're doing.
    5. Status: Once the other four tabs have been filled out and saved, you'll be able to submit your design update to staff's approval queue here by clicking the "submit request" button.
  • Once you've filled out all of the tabs and they all have green checkmarks, you're ready to submit it! Click the "submit request" button on the status tab. This will move it from your drafts and place it into the approval queue for mods to look over. You will not be able to edit your submission once it's no longer a draft! If you realize you've made a mistake after submitting it, please reach out to us through our questions channel in the discord server and a mod will soft-reject your approval so it can be edited.
  • If you've submitted a WIP check, staff will soft-reject your design update submission with feedback. You'll need to make any requested revision changes and edit your draft to submit again. After the final art has been approved, the design submission will be accepted, and you'll have a shiny new character!