Site News
May 2023 round up
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by rosewtrsHi friends! I know things have been very quiet since the anniversary event, but I have been doing some work on the back-end to add a few new site features, so I figured I'd do an end-of-the-month round up news post to cover everything that's been added!~
Birthday boxes
Starting on the 1st of every month, those of you with birthdays that month will now be able to claim a special birthday reward box! You'll need to update your Birthday Publicity settings (menu bar > your username > settings) to at least "members can see your day and month" in order to receive the birthday box on the 1st of the month. Once you've received your birthday box, you can open it up for gem shards and special character frames from your inventory page!
If you run into issues with receiving your birthday box for the month, please reach out to Kye on discord!
toyhouse and deviantart log in options
Users are now able to register their accounts to be able to sign in using either their Toyhouse or deviantART accounts if they want. Instead of needing to create a unique username and password for the Keypers Foundry website, you now have the option of logging in with either Toyhouse or dA! If you've already created your Keypers Foundry account, you'll need to remove your existing Toyhouse/dA account links and re-add them to take advantage of this feature! You can access those settings here, or from the "aliases" link on your account settings page!
(This feature wasn't able to be thoroughly tested before being added to the site, so please reach out to Kye if you run into any issues using it!)
Recurring guest artist applications
So if you noticed, we didn't have a free design raffle this month! Unfortunately life got too busy for both Silk and I to be able to get anything drawn up, and it doesn't look like life will be easing up at all for us over the summer. So! We've decided we'd like to open up guest artist applications for the rest of the year in case anyone would like to help contribute a design or two for the monthly free raffles! If you'd be interested in becoming a recurring guest artist for the species, please fill out this application form! I'll reach out to guest artists on the 1st of each month, and we'll be looking to feature about 1-2 guest adopts on top of whatever designs Silk and I can create for each monthly raffle. Guest artists will most likely be paid with their choice of gem shards, special trait inscriptions, or basic MYO kits!
Plans for the future
Things are going to be pretty busy for us outside of the species, but I still have plans to add things to the species in the next few months! I want to completely overhaul the visual traits sheets for the species, which would include separating out the special traits into their own sheet so there's no confusion on what you can do with your special trait inscription items! I also have plans to add a new special trait that I think will open up a lot of interesting design opportunities for everyone! The site is also missing quite a few image assets here and there, and these will be my priority to add over the next couple months as well. Once all these image assets are in place, I'll start focusing work on the interactive plot I've been promising since the start of the species, haha.
And if you'd like a little explanation for why things have been so slow development and event-wise this year:
I'm expecting my first baby some time towards the end of September, and currently in the half-way point. I had no idea I'd be so exhausted all the time, haha. July marks the start of the third trimester, and there's a lot of things we have to do to get ready for the baby yet, so please give a little grace and understanding as I try to balance the species with this new chapter of my life! I'll do my best to keep this species going, and I appreciate everyone who's willing to stick around through this!!
1st Anniversary Event Party!
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by rosewtrsHello everyone! Thank you all so much for sticking around with us for one whole year, wow! And welcome welcome to any new members just now joining us! We're so excited to share with you guys all the fun events we have planned throughout the month to celebrate Keypers turning 1 year old!!
Without further ado, let's get into all the events you can expect to see throughout the month!
Anniversary Event Hub
In case you missed the clickable banner on your account dashboard, there's an event hub page over here that houses all of the special event links for the month. You can find a timeline of events, a mini event market shop, a link to the advent calendar, as well as handy links to all of our currently open design sales! The advent calendar will open March 11th, so make sure you check back on that day to start claiming your daily goodies!
Event Market
The event market will be open March 1st through March 31st, and will be stocked up with free Basic MYO Kits, discounted Special Trait Inscriptions, free design raffle tickets, and a special fun new character frame! You'll be able to claim or purchase anything from the Event Market directly through the anniversary event hub page, or access it through the 'All Shops' link in the navbar!
As a little note, raffle tickets will only be stocked and available to claim when a raffle is open for entries, so don't worry if you don't see any in the event market right now.
Advent Calendar
A daily advent calendar will run from March 11th through March 25th, and it's stocked with plenty of fun prizes each day! You'll be able to claim a number of gem shards, character frames, and Special Trait Inscriptions! You do have to log-in and manually claim your prizes from the advent calendar each day, and won't be able to claim past prizes if you miss a day. So make sure to stop by every day!
Design Sales and Raffles
Along with our usual monthly mod design sale and free mod raffle, we'll also be hosting a special Guest Artist free raffle event! The free raffles are going to work a little differently than they have in the past. Instead of filling out a google form to enter yourself into a raffle, and Kye rolling the winners using a bot in the discord server, we'll instead be using the Keypers Foundry website!
In order to enter yourself into our on-site raffles, you'll first need to claim your free raffle ticket from the Event Market. Raffle tickets will only be stocked on the day that a raffle is open for entries, and you'll need to claim a separate ticket for each design you want to enter for. Once you've claimed your raffle tickets, you'll need to head over to your Inventory and follow the instructions below to use your tickets and enter your desired raffle(s):
- After claiming your raffle ticket(s) from the Event Market, access your inventory (Menu bar > Home > Inventory).
- Click on the raffle ticket you want to use.
- On the new window that pops up, click the checkbox next to the item's name.
- Click on the "Open Box" dropdown below the table with the item's name, then click the "Open" button here.
- Your ticket has now been used, and you've been automatically entered into the raffle! If you claimed multiple tickets, repeat these steps for each ticket.
If you run into issues using your ticket, and the raffle has not yet rolled, PLEASE message Kye on discord directly and they'll help you out! Since this is a new system we're trying out, please be patient with us as we work through learning it all!
New Character Frames
Along with a very sweet event frame being released, a new permanent frame has been added to the Gem Shard Exchange as well! A wonderful silver Metal Frame has been added for purchase so you can decorate your Keypers' masterlist art! More frames will come in the following months, so definitely keep an eye out for those!
Changes to Monthly Prompts
Since 2023 will be a year full of new and challenging life changes for me (exciting changes!! nothing bad, I promise!), we'll be retiring the monthly themed prompts from here on out. This means that only the free-for-all monthly open prompt will be available, but to make it up to you guys, we're relaxing our restrictions on monthly prompts. Instead of only being able to submit one prompt a month (themed or otherwise), we're making it so you can submit up to three art or writing pieces to the site gallery to earn gem shards! The gem shard rewards will not be changing, so this means you could potentially earn up to 30 gem shards a month if you wanted! Changing the system up this way will mean that I can sit down and schedule the entire year's worth of prompts in one sitting, that way they're immediately open and available to submit to once midnight on the first of the month rolls around. I am notorious for accidentally ignoring the passage of time (I mean, is time even real?? haha), so there have been a couple months this past year where I completely forgot to open prompts at all! Whoops!
If you find that you do need a little bit of inspiration to kickstart your character development, I'll be releasing a short list of inspiration prompts to the site over the next month or so!
Event Planner/Lore Writer applications still open
Did you know we're still looking to add a new staff member? This was mentioned in the last news post, but my main goal with this species is to introduce a community-involved, interactive storyline. I want to create something that community members are able to participate in and help the Keypers world (and species as a whole!) change over time. While I have some great ideas and starting points, I’m struggling to create the actual details. Plus, my writing isn’t very strong, so!! I’m looking to bring on another staff member to help out!
We didn't receive any applications last time, so here's the link to the application form again if you'd be interested! I’m currently looking to bring on someone who enjoys writing to help me plan out seasonal events, compile lore/wiki entries, and contribute to the species storyline! This will be a volunteer position, but mod work can be compensated either through in-game currency, items or MYO tickets, or through monthly character adopt sales. This position is also more of a specialized staff role, and not necessarily a moderator, so you won’t be expected to handle typical mod duties.
And I believe that covers it for this announcement! Thank you so much for your interest in this tiny little species, and here's to another year!! See you guys soon!
Staff/guest artist search + anniversary event interest check!
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by rosewtrsHello again everyone! Things have been really busy for me the last few months (moving across the country tends to do that to a person, whoops), but now that things are finally starting to settle down and the holidays are over, I’m ready to get back to work on this species! I’m making it my goal to get more steady activity flowing through here this year, and I hope that this will spark some inspiration and desire to develop your Keyper characters too! So!! Let’s get right into my plans for this upcoming year!
I mentioned this briefly in the discord server a few months ago, but my main goal with this species is to introduce a community-involved, interactive storyline. I want to create something that community members are able to participate in and help the Keypers world (and species as a whole!) change over time. While I have some great ideas and starting points, I’m struggling to create the actual details. Plus, my writing isn’t very strong, so!! I’m looking to bring on another staff member to help out!
I’m currently looking to bring on someone who enjoys writing to help me plan out monthly prompts and seasonal events; compile lore/wiki entries; and contribute to the species storyline! This will be a volunteer position, but mod work can be compensated either through in-game currency, items or MYO tickets, or through monthly character adopt sales. This position is also more of a specialized staff role, and not necessarily a moderator, so you won’t be expected to handle typical mod duties.
If this sounds like something you’d be interested in helping out with, please fill out this form to apply! Applications will close around January 20th, and they will require a small writing sample of at least 400 words.
And along with searching for a writer for staff, we’re also looking for a handful of guest artists for the first anniversary event! I’d love to have a few guest artist batches alongside the ones created by me and Silk, so if you want to considered for that, please apply here! Applications for guest artists will close January 20th at 1:30 PM PST. Please only apply if you can complete at least one design within the month of February!
And speaking of the first anniversary, I want to hear your guys’ thoughts on what that should include! I’d super appreciate hearing your thoughts for what kinds of events and prizes the first anniversary should have! Things on the poll include your thoughts on free raffle/paid sale design batches, a scavenger hunt, advent calendar, custom or premade artisan sales/raffles, and more! Please take a few minutes to fill this out, as I really do want to include things in the anniversary event that would make it fun for all of you!
And I think that’s it for this announcement! Thank you so much for showing your interest in this lil species throughout the year. Here’s to 2023 being more fun and active for everyone here! Hope you all have a safe, healthy, and wonderful new year!!
August prompts + sale dates
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by rosewtrsHello everyone! Apologies for this news post coming out late -- it seems like my energy levels deplete so quickly lately, and I'm on a new work shift schedule that's taken a bit of time to fully adjust to. But I'm trying to get back on track with species things, so let's get into this month's newsletter!
Last month we held a gift art event with a raffle prize for anyone who participated! Since there were only two entrants, I decided to just give both of them their choice of a prize from the prize list instead of rolling one winner. Just making a note of this here for transparency's sake since there wasn't anything to roll in the discord channel!
monthly prompts extension
August prompts are now live! This month's themed prompt is Beach Party! Draw or write about your Keyper spending the last few days of summer by the water. Maybe they went to the pool for a party, or perhaps they're spending some days camping by the lake and decided to go for a swim! Are they excited about spending time in the sun, or maybe they prefer being under some shade so they don't burn?
Since the prompts went up late, they've been extended an extra week to make up for that! Submissions for both of August's themed and open prompts will end September 7th, 2022 at 11:59 pm PST. September's prompts will open on September 1st like usual, which means there'll be a week of overlap, so please pay attention to which prompt you're submitting for!
august design sale + raffle dates
Since we're getting a bit of a late start to this month, the sale and raffle dates will be pushed back as well! There will be a design sale held around the 15th of this month, and the monthly free raffle will be held on the 25th instead! This month's raffle will be a bit different this time around -- I don't want to spoil the surprise, but I hope you guys find it as fun as I do! More information on this will be released when the design raffle goes live.
July Prompts + Event Raffle + New Frames!
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by rosewtrsPosting this a little early, since I want to give you guys a decent-enough head's up! For July's prompt, we'll be doing a mini Art Fight! If you don't know what Art Fight is, here's the about page, and here's a video that helps explain the basics if you still need a little more info! But essentially, it's an art gifting game, where players are put on one of two teams, and each art piece submitted earns points for your team. Silk and I are both mods for Art Fight, so we want to bring a little bit of Art Fight here!
So, this month's prompt is Gift Attack! You'll be able to create as many gift pieces as you'd like this month to submit to the on-site gallery, but can only submit up to two pieces to the monthly prompt form itself. Each gift piece you make will give you one entry into a raffle held at the end of the month, where the winner will be able to pick the prize of their choice! Prize options are a Special Trait Inscription item, an Artisan MYO Kit, or an additional 15 gem shards! Gift pieces must be created for other users -- drawing or writing for the NPCs will still be allowed for the prompt submission, but it won't earn you any raffle entries!
Since our userbase is small and Silk and I will already be busy moderating Art Fight, there won't be any teams or point scoring here. Any visual art created for these prompts is welcome to be submitted to Art Fight as attacks there, provided the owner also has their Keyper uploaded! Writing on its own isn't able to be posted to Art Fight as an attack, as there's no way to score written pieces. And submitting to Art Fight is not required at all if you don't want to! You can check which Keypers are open to receiving gift art or writing on the masterlist here: Gift Art Okay | Gift Writing Okay
To get your character in these links, simply edit their character profiles, and the options to turn gift art/writing on are listed at the bottom of the page! To see a list of Keypers on Art Fight, check this tag!
If you have unused MYO Kits, you'll still be able to submit their designs for approval during July! I'll still be checking the site every day, so please don't worry or fret over missing out on the gifting event! Design approvals will not close during July.
New Card Frames Added!
And then as an extra note, the Dark Wood character frames have been uploaded to the site! You can purchase them at the Gem Shard Exchange shop for 1 Gem Shard each. If you'd like to use the frame on multiple characters, you'll need to purchase multiple frames to be able to attach them to the characters you'd like to use them on. It's also important that you purchase the correct version of the frame! If you want to apply the frame to your Basic Keyper, then you'll need to purchase the Basic version, as the Artisan version will not work.
I'll be slowly adding more frames to the site over the next coming months, so keep an eye out!
No July designs
Since Silk and I will be pretty busy with Art Fight, there won't be any design raffles or sales in July! Just listing this here as a head's up and little reminder. The design raffles and sales will return in August, but there are also quite a few official designs still open for sale if you don't want to wait!
That's it for this month! Hope you guys enjoy the event!!
June prompts + mini mod break
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by rosewtrsHi friends! This month's prompt is a bit of a different one, so I just wanted to make note of it here!
[MT-04] Attuned Treasures is about the object(s) your Keyper is attuned to! So the minimum requirements for this prompt are different than normal in that you'll be drawing an object (diary, lock box, phone, etc. whatever your Keyper unlocks!) instead of your Keyper. You can still draw your Keyper for the extra reward currency if you like, but the main focus of this month's themed prompt should be what your Keyper is attuned to. But if that doesn't interest you, there is always the monthly open prompt as well!
I just wanted to help inspire some character-building for this month's prompt, and I'm super interested in seeing what sorts of items your Keyper locks!
new card frames interest poll...2!!
So since May was spent dealing with IRL and email issues...I didn't get a chance to work on any new frame art. orz WHOOPS!
SO! Here's a reminder that I'd like to hear your opinions on what frame styles I should add first! I will make it my goal to add at least one new frame in June, so feel free to poke me about it in the discord server if one hasn't been added by the 17th, haha. So far it looks like the new frame will either be gold, dark wood, or a turquoise sea glass color!
mini mod break + (possible!!) delayed design raffle
The first week of June will be pretty busy for me IRL (going on a well-deserved vacation!!), so please expect some slow response times to things like discord questions, design approvals, and prompt submissions from June 2nd through June 10th! I'll still check the site once a day, but depending on time I have, I may not be able to thoroughly check over approvals and submissions on things until I get back home to my office. I'll also be doing my best to finish a design for the raffle on June 10th, buuuuuut just in case I can't, raffle may be delayed to June 15th. Just wanted to make a note of this here for those of you who aren't in the discord server!
upcoming july event prep
Hey, so I heard that there's a yearly art fighting gifting game that takes place in the month of July. Wouldn't it be fun if we did something like that? :3c Haha, just kidding!! Unless............👀
If you still have an unused MYO kit, here's your hint/reminder to get it approved soon! You might want it for July!
Email issues fixed + Free MYO event!
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by rosewtrsThe site was having issues sending out account verification emails earlier this month during the monthly raffle, and I'm so happy to say that those issues are now fixed!! It sadly took me a lot longer than I was anticipating to get those issues fixed, and it was a pretty frustrating couple of weeks to get this figured out. So! As an apology to you guys who have been so patient, we've decided to host another free basic MYO event!
To claim your free basic MYO slot, just leave a comment either here on the news post, OR in the toyhouse thread with your Keypers Foundry username and a slot will be manually given to you on-site shortly! This slot will allow you to create a Basic Keyper, and the slot itself will never expire, so there's no time limit or deadline on when the design needs turned in. You won't be able to sell the slot, but may be able to trade or gift it away 2 weeks after receiving it.
Special Trait Inscriptions and Artisan MYO slots are also discounted during this event! These items can be purchased from the Gem Shard Exchange shop using the in-game currency Gem Shards, which can either be earned from monthly prompts or purchased with USD through the Ko-fi shop!
This event is open to everyone! You're free to participate in this event as long as you have a verified Keypers Foundry account, and it ends May 31st at 9:00pm PST.
Thank you so much for your patience over the last week or so while I sorted out the issues! While I still have no idea what caused the issues in the first place, I now have a clear guide on how to fix them quicker should they ever come up again in the future. There will also still be a design sale this month! I just didn't feel right opening it while I knew the site was having problems verifying accounts, so it's been pushed back to the 25th.
And that's all! See you guys soon!
May prompts + new frame interest poll!
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by rosewtrsHi everyone!
We’ve got a few new updates for this month, mostly relating to prompts. But before we get into that, it’s a new month, which means a new themed prompt! This month’s theme is “Stargazing”, and you can read about it over here: [MT-03] Stargazing. And as a reminder, there’s always the monthly open prompt if the themed prompt doesn’t inspire you!
Starting in May, the minimum prompt requirements for drawn art are changing! Instead of requiring a full body for prompt art, you’re now allowed to draw just a half body, with a waist-up minimum. The standard gem shard reward amount will still stay at 5 gem shards, and you can now have the option of either drawing your character as a full body OR including another half-body character for the extra 3 gem shards! These changes will be listed in the prompt rules as well.
This is a reminder that prompt submissions should be submitted to the on-site gallery first before submitting to the actual prompt! I’ve been a little lenient on this the last couple of months, but I do want the site galleries to be used from now on for record-keeping purposes. Outside links break all the time, and it’ll be important to have the prompt submission links work correctly if you intend to submit an appraisal claim for your Keyper design to add to the maximum resale value. So starting in May, any prompt that doesn’t include a link to the site gallery will be soft-rejected. You can add additional content links to outside places (discord, google docs, dA, toyhouse, etc) in the comments section as an extra back-up option, but the main submission URL should point to the site gallery entry. This has been a rule and included in the “how to submit prompts” section of all prompts since the site launch, but we will be enforcing it as of this month.
I want to add some more card frame art to the site, and I have a bunch of ideas! So I want to hear your opinions on what you want to see most so I’m focusing my time properly! Here’s a quick poll with all of my ideas so far, with a section where you can submit suggestions too! I’ll try to add at least two new frames to the site in May, and these frames will be able to be purchased in the gem shard exchange shop once they’re added to the site! Frames will never cost more than 1 gem shard, and you will need to purchase multiples to use on multiple characters.
This was sort of announced already, but I wanted to put it here so it’s official! We’ll be holding a free design raffle on the 10th of every month from here on out, with official design sales also happening on the 20th of every month! All of these designs will be put up on the website’s sales page.
And that covers it for this month! See you in the next monthly newsletter!
April prompts + new site features!
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by rosewtrsHello again, everyone!
A new month has begun, which means new monthly prompts! The themed prompt for April is "Flower Crown Gifts", and you can read more about it over here: [MT-02] Flower Crown Gifts. This is a gift-art friendly prompt, which means you don't need to draw a Keyper that you own to participate! If you'd like to open your Keyper up to receiving gift art, all you need to do is edit their profile, and at the bottom will be options to allow gift art or gift writing! So if you're a new user who missed out on the free MYO event last month, you're still welcome to participate in this monthly prompt.
And speaking of the species launch event, thank you so much to everyone who showed interest in the species and joined in!! We're so happy to have you guys, and I'm super looking forward to growing and connecting with you all as a community. And with that being said, I'm always open to hearing what you guys want out of the species as well! If you ever have any feature ideas or event suggestions, you're more than welcome to reach out in the Discord server, or message me through Toyhouse! I'd love to hear your ideas!!
As part of the species event launch, we held a free raffle for some special trait inscription items. The winners were rolled in the #raffle-rolls channel in the Discord server on March 31st for full transparency, but congrats again to our winners cyxxie, creilights, and ChokoGrimm! As a reminder, these items are account-bound and may not be traded, gifted, or sold on their own, but they can be used on any MYO kit, including the ones received for free from the launch event!
New site feature - character frames
Now that the launch event has all wrapped up, I'll be going back to work on adding some new features to the site! The first feature to be added in the next day or so will be a character frames extension! This feature will allow for you to unlock and use different card frames for your character images on the masterlist. We're already kind of using this to some extent since Silk and I have been adding the default card frames manually for each design approval, but using this extension will automate that process for us.
This feature will come with a few tweaks to how MYO and design update approvals will need to be submitted to the site. Previously, you were able to upload any image size for the masterlist, but with character frames, you'll need to submit your masterlist image one of two ways:
- Save the frame topper image to your device and adjust your masterlist image to fit inside it yourself. Once the design fits how you'd like it shown, you can then save the masterlist image without the frame topper and submit that to your design approval/update.
- Save your masterlist image with an extra 2,000 - 3,000 pixels of transparent space on all sides. This will allow you to resize the image smaller in the image cropper tool on-site, but you won't be able to see the edges of the frame topper, so getting the position right will be a bit of a guessing game.
I know this will be a bit of a hassle on the user end, but I'm looking into code changes on this extension to make it a little more intuitive! That might take some time though as I'm still learning a lot of back-end coding myself, but it is something I want changed.
If you've already submitted your MYO design to the site and it's been accepted, you won't need to do anything to update the masterlist image! This is just for design updates from this point on.
changes to redesign rules
After doing a bit of thinking, I've decided to change the rules on full redesign updates. Previously, it was allowed that you could completely change up the look of a Keyper design by purchasing a Full Redesign Potion item from the Gem Shard Exchange shop. This would allow you to completely scrap the current design of that Keyper in favor of making an entirely new design. Starting in April, this will no longer be allowed. Instead, we'll be holding design turn-in events throughout the year when interest arises, where you'll be able to transfer a design you own to the Keypers admin account, and receive a MYO Kit for the same subtype and traits as the design you turned in. The designs that were turned in will then have their designs revamped by Keypers staff, and will then be re-released to the community either through sales or raffles, depending on the event. There will also be limitations to how many designs one person can turn in per event and how many events a year a person can participate in to prevent the system from becoming a free MYO farm. The Design Edits Guide will also be updated within the next day or so to reflect these changes, and the Full Redesign Potion item will be removed from the shop.
Changing the system from a full redesign item to a turn-in event also works out better lore-wise for Keypers! It really would take an immense amount of magical skill + energy in order to completely overwrite the original spell circle that created the Keyper to begin with, but minor tweaks to the appearance are perfectly safe to do!
Future site plans
Further down the line, I'd also love to change up how the home page/account dashboard looks! Right now it's just a collection of links to your characters and inventory, and while that's handy, it does leave the website to feel kind of closed-off. I really want to work on bringing a community activities aspect to the page, so showcasing the latest gallery/prompt submissions, a larger featured character section, possibly even showcasing the latest MYO design, as well as handy links for news posts and submitting to the gallery. There won't be any ETA for when this will be added since it requires me learning a lot of new things, but I hope you'll all cheer me on as I work towards it!
Also eventually (hopefully by the end of the year!) I'd love to bring in an interactive story element to the species. I have plans for quests and interactive community events to add more things to do within the species, but I can't reveal too much for that just yet. Just know that there is a species story being worked on behind the scenes!
Until next time!
- Kye
Keypers species launch!!
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by rosewtrsWelcome to the Keypers Foundry!
In celebration for our official species launch, we've set up a few different events for you guys to participate in!
free MYO slot claim + special trait raffle!
From today (March 1st) until March 31st at 6:00pm PST, every member is allowed to claim one free Basic MYO Kit!
Follow these steps to claim:
1) Create an account on the Keypers Foundry website (that's here!)
2) Make a bulletin or journal advertising the species launch. Please include a link to either our toyhouse thread, or the website homepage! Make sure you mention the species is 18+ as well!
3) Fill out the following form and post it in the toyhouse thread:
- Keypers Foundry username: {namehere}
- Link to journal/bulletin: {link}
4) If you also tag a friend in your forum post (optional), you'll receive one entry into a raffle for a free special trait inscription upgrade for your MYO kit! You can tag multiple friends, but will only receive one entry. The number of special trait inscriptions raffled off will be based off the number of entries into the raffle. Raffle will be closed March 31st at 6:00pm PST, and rolled no later than 10:00pm PST in the species discord server. You can check the current entries here.
Please note that these MYO Kits will not be able to be resold or traded away, so make sure you're certain you want to create a design before claiming! Special trait inscriptions are also account-bound, but do not need to be used on these MYO Kits. Please read through the MYO Approval Guide for more information on how to save your design image and submit it to the site!
The slots themselves do not expire, so take as much time as you need to design them! If you no longer want to use this slot, please contact me either on toyhouse (rosewtrs) or through discord and I'll remove the slot for you. You will not be able to claim one from this event again, though, so make sure you're certain before messaging me! Otherwise the finished MYO design can be gifted away 14 days after the design is approved.
official design sales + auctions
On March 3rd, at roughly 3:00pm PST, a flat-sale raffle will open for the first two official Keyper adopts. This flaffle will be open for entries for 24 hours, and will be rolled around 5 or 6pm PST in the species discord server. Flaffle entries will be collected using google forms.
You may also purchase additional MYO Kits (Basic AND Artisan!) throughout the month on our on-site Gem Shard Exchange shop. Gem Shards are earnable as a reward for completing prompts and events, but may also be purchased with USD through the species shop on Ko-Fi. These MYO Kit sales will never close, so feel free to save your currency throughout the months!
Then later in the month (date to be determined!), two separate auctions will take place! More news on those will be posted when it gets closer to that time. All sales and auctions will be held through the Keypers Foundry website.
monthly prompts open
Each month we will have two prompts for you to submit art or writing to in order to earn the group currency, Gem Shards! One will be themed, and the other will be an open prompt. You can only submit to one prompt each month, so if you decide to do the monthly themed prompt, you won't be able to submit to the monthly open prompt! Feel free to read through our Prompt Submission Guide for more detailed information on how to submit prompts.
The themed prompt for this month is [MT-01] Keyper Introductions! Submissions for this and the March 2022 open prompt will close at March 31st at 11:59pm PST, with new monthly prompts going live at April 1st at 12:00am PST.
Website banner contest
You might notice that the banner at the top of the website is a little plain. We'd like to fix that! So we'll be hosting a banner design contest. Entry period will last from today (March 1st) to March 26th at 5:00pm PST. Users will then be able to vote for their favorite banners from March 27th - 29th, and Kye and Silk will pick one finalist from the top 3 user favorites to use for the website banner! The winner will be revealed and added to the website April 1st.
Contest Prize: Your art featured at the top of every page on the website (with credits to your art socials on the About and Credits pages) + 5 Gem Shards.
Contest Entry Rules:
- Must have an activated and verified Keypers Foundry account to participate
- Banners may be repeating patterns, or a single scenic image. Repeating banners should have a height of 200px, but can be any width you want. Single-image banners should have a size of 1800px (minimum) by 200px, and leave room in the center for the Keypers logo!
- Please avoid including offensive symbols in your banner design. Banner design entries that are done in bad faith (trolling, attempting to promote racism/transphobia/homophobia, etc) will be discarded.
- Banner designs must be SFW and not contain any nudity or gore. Banner designs should also refer back to Keypers in some way: keys, lockplates, magic gems, magic circles, ribbons, etc.
- If you'd like to include Keyper characters in the banner, please only draw the three NPCs: Maria, HB, and Merrick.
You can submit your banner entry using this form! By entering, you agree to let us use this art on our website.