Site Sales

[Open] May 2023 Flat Sale

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by rosewtrs
Flatsale: KEY-040[Open]
Design: rosewtrs ・ Art: rosewtrs
Price: $35

West Lake

Flat sale rules:

  1. Payment will be made through paypal invoices. Artist will reach out to you directly off-site to exchange payment information.
  2. Payment is to be made within 24 hours after payment information is exchanged. If payment is not made within 24 hours, your hold on the design will be forfeit and the design placed back up for sale.
  3. Payment is to be made in full -- no payment plans will be accepted for this sale.
  4. There will be a 2 week transfer cooldown on this design, starting from when the design is paid in full. The design will not be able to be transferred to another user during the cooldown time.
  5. Design may be traded, gifted, or resold. Maximum resale value is listed on the masterlist profile for this design.
  6. Flat sale is open to everyone -- current owners and first time owners alike.

To claim this design, please comment below, and whether you'd prefer to be contacted on dA, toyhouse, or discord with your username! There will be no ending date for this sale -- as long as the title says "open" then there's a design available for purchase!

[Open] April 2023 Free Raffle

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by rosewtrs
Raffle: KEY-039[Open]
Design: silket ・ Art: silket

Enter Here

Medic Please!

Time for April's monthly raffle! This medic-themed bun is ready to help care for whoever's in need!

Raffle Rules

  1. This raffle is open to everyone!
  2. One winner will be rolled for this design.
  3. This design CANNOT be sold, but MAY be traded or gifted after the 2 week cooldown is up.
  4. Raffle will close for entries around 3:00 pm PST on April 26th (roughly 28 hours after this gets posted), and the winner will be rolled shortly after.

How to enter for this raffle:

  1. Pick up your free raffle ticket for KEY-039 from the Gem Shard Exchange
  2. Go into your inventory (Menu bar > Home > Inventory).
  3. Click on the raffle ticket you want to use.
  4. On the new window that pops up, click the checkbox next to the item's name.
  5. Click on the "Open Box" dropdown below the table with the item's name, then click the "Open" button here.
  6. Your ticket has now been used, and you've been automatically entered into the raffle!

The raffle entrant list can be checked here, so if you're having any issues entering the raffle, please reach out to Kye directly on discord!

[Closed] March 2023 Free Guest Artist Raffle!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by rosewtrs
Raffle: GA-KEY-033[Closed]
Design: Shikisei ・ Art: Shikisei

Bunny Hermes

Raffle: GA-KEY-034[Closed]
Design: Shikisei ・ Art: Shikisei

Blossoming Phoenix

Raffle: GA-KEY-035[Closed]
Design: Shikisei ・ Art: Shikisei

Spring's Arrival

Raffle: GA-KEY-036[Closed]
Design: makkiatokun ・ Art: makkiatokun

Peace Punk

Raffle: GA-KEY-037[Closed]
Design: makkiatokun ・ Art: makkiatokun

Scarlet Scholar

And here we are at the final event for Keypers' first anniversary! The guest artist raffle!!

Our two guest designers worked really hard this month to bring you all a wonderful collection of Keyper buns to take home with you! We have FIVE gorgeous designs to raffle off this time!!

Please pay attention to the names of the raffle ticket items to make sure you're buying and using the ones you want! Also remember that you need to go into your inventory after grabbing the raffle ticket and "use" the item to get entered!

Raffle Rules

  1. This raffle is open to everyone!
  2. One winner per design, and one design per winner. If you win a design in this raffle batch, you will automatically be removed from the rest of the designs you had entered for.
  3. These designs CANNOT be sold, but MAY be traded or gifted after the 2 week cooldown is up.
  4. Raffle will close for entries around 4:00 pm PST on March 31st (roughly 28 hours after this gets posted), and the winners will be rolled shortly after.

How to enter for this raffle:

  1. Pick up your free raffle ticket for any of these designs from the Event Market (can also be accessed from the Anniversary Event hub page!)
  2. Go into your inventory (Menu bar > Home > Inventory).
  3. Click on the raffle ticket you want to use.
  4. On the new window that pops up, click the checkbox next to the item's name.
  5. Click on the "Open Box" dropdown below the table with the item's name, then click the "Open" button here.
  6. Your ticket has now been used, and you've been automatically entered into the raffle! Repeat these steps for all raffles you'd like to enter.

If you're having any issues entering the raffle, please reach out to Kye directly on discord! You can check the raffle entrant lists for each design here:

[Open] March 2023 Free Raffle

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by rosewtrs
Raffle: KEY-032[Open]
Design: rosewtrs ・ Art: rosewtrs

Enter Here

Night Guard

Happy 1-year anniversary everyone! One mod design available for raffle this month, and we'll be changing up how we do raffles, so make sure to read the raffle rules below to see what's new!~

Raffle Rules

  1. This raffle is open to everyone!
  2. One winner will be rolled for this design.
  3. This design CANNOT be sold, but MAY be traded or gifted after the 2 week cooldown is up.
  4. Raffle will close for entries around 4:00 pm PST on March 26th (roughly 28 hours after this gets posted), and the winner will be rolled shortly after.

How to enter for this raffle:

  1. Pick up your free raffle ticket for KEY-032 from the Event Market (can also be accessed from the Anniversary Event hub page!)
  2. Go into your inventory (Menu bar > Home > Inventory).
  3. Click on the raffle ticket you want to use.
  4. On the new window that pops up, click the checkbox next to the item's name.
  5. Click on the "Open Box" dropdown below the table with the item's name, then click the "Open" button here.
  6. Your ticket has now been used, and you've been automatically entered into the raffle!

The raffle entrant list can be checked here, so if you're having any issues entering the raffle, please reach out to Kye directly on discord!

[Open] March 2023 Flat Sale

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by rosewtrs
Flatsale: KEY-030[Open]
Design: silket ・ Art: silket
Price: $35

Buns & Barbs

Flatsale: KEY-031[Open]
Design: rosewtrs ・ Art: rosewtrs
Price: $45

Gothic Carousel

Can you guys believe it's been one whole year since Keypers launched? 😭 Me either!

Flat sale rules:

  1. Payment will be made through paypal invoices. Artists will reach out to you directly off-site to exchange payment information.
  2. Payment is to be made within 24 hours after payment information is exchanged. If payment is not made within 24 hours, your hold on the design will be forfeit and the design placed back up for sale.
  3. Payment is to be made in full -- no payment plans will be accepted for this sale.
  4. There will be a 2 week transfer cooldown on these designs, starting from when the design is paid in full. The designs will not be able to be transferred to another user during the cooldown time.
  5. Designs may be traded, gifted, or resold. Maximum resale value is listed on the masterlist profiles for each design.
  6. Flat sale is open to everyone -- current owners and first time owners alike, and there is no limit for how many designs from this sale one person can claim.

To claim these designs, please reply to the artist of the design(s) you're interested in down below, and whether you'd prefer to be contacted on dA, toyhouse, or discord with your username! There will be no ending date for this sale -- as long as the title says "open" then there's a design available for purchase!

[Closed] January 2023 flat sale

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by rosewtrs
Flatsale: KEY-028[Closed]
Design: rosewtrs ・ Art: rosewtrs
Price: $15

Sweet Sugar Lace

I just really love drawing these lil bunns, so another semi-MYO design is up for sale today! The owner of this design will be allowed to design what the Keyper's standard form looks like. There is no deadline to have their standard form submitted by, and if you decide you don't want to design a standard form, then that's okay as well. The only rules for the standard form is that the traits cannot be changed, and markings/colors can be altered slightly if desired.

Flat sale rules:

  1. Payment will be made through paypal invoices. Artist will reach out to you directly off-site to exchange payment information.
  2. Payment is to be made within 24 hours after payment information is exchanged. If payment is not made within 24 hours, your hold on the design will be forfeit and the design placed back up for sale.
  3. Payment is to be made in full -- no payment plans will be accepted for this sale.
  4. There will be a 2 week transfer cooldown on this design, starting from when the design is paid in full. The design will not be able to be transferred to another user during the cooldown time.
  5. Design may be traded, gifted, or resold. Maximum resale value is listed on the masterlist profile for this design.
  6. Flat sale is open to everyone -- current owners and first time owners alike.

To claim this design, please comment below, and whether you'd prefer to be contacted on dA, toyhouse, or discord with your username! There will be no ending date for this sale -- as long as the title says "open" then there's a design available for purchase!

[Closed] January 2023 free raffle

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by rosewtrs
Raffle: KEY-027[Closed]
Design: rosewtrs ・ Art: rosewtrs

Delicate Blooms

The new year is here, which means it's time to get back into the monthly raffle groove! This month is another semi-MYO animal form raffle. The winner of this design will be allowed to design what the Keyper's standard form looks like! There is no deadline to have their standard form submitted by, and if you decide you don't want to design a standard form, then that's okay as well. The only rules for the standard form is that the traits cannot be changed, and markings/colors can be altered slightly if desired.

Raffle Rules

  1. This raffle is open to everyone!
  2. One design per winner.
  3. This design CANNOT be sold, but MAY be traded or gifted after the 2 week cooldown is up.
  4. Raffle form will close sometime after 1:00pm PST on January 16th (so roughly 26-ish hours after this post). Winners will be rolled in the #raffle-rolls channel in the discord server!

How to enter for this raffle: Fill out the entry form here!

[Closed] September 2022 Free Raffle

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by rosewtrs
Raffle: KEY-025[Closed]
Design: silket ・ Art: silket

Forest Foliage

Raffle: KEY-026[Closed]
Design: rosewtrs ・ Art: rosewtrs

Cozy Library

Fall is finally upon us, and we've got some warm (possibly pumpkin-spiced? 🤔) buns for raffle this month!

Raffle Rules

  1. This raffle is open to everyone!
  2. One design per winner -- if you win Forest Foliage, you'll be removed from the raffle pool for Cozy Library if you had entered for both.
  3. These designs CANNOT be sold, but MAY be traded or gifted after the 2 week cooldown is up.
  4. Raffle form will close sometime after 5:00pm PST on September 26th (so roughly 28 hours after this post)*. Winners will be rolled in the #raffle-rolls channel in the discord server!

How to enter for this raffle: Fill out the entry form here!

*Also as a quick little note regarding the raffle ending time! Kye will be travelling tomorrow, and currently only has a general timeframe of when they'll be free to do the raffle roll, so the raffle might possibly be rolled after 5 pm PST. As long as the form is still accepting entries, you can still put in for the raffle even if it's after the closing time listed here! The form will close about 5-10 minutes before the raffle is officially rolled, and there will be a post in the announcements channel when it's officially closed.

[Open] September 2022 Flat Sale

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by silket
Flatsale: KEY-024[Open]
Design: silket ・ Art: silket
Price: $35

Western Skies

It's time for another flat sale! This time, a little cowboycore....... a yeehaw moment, perhaps...

Flat sale rules:

  1. Payment will be made through paypal invoices. Artists will reach out to you directly off-site to exchange payment information.
  2. Payment is to be made within 24 hours after payment information is exchanged. If payment is not made within 24 hours, your hold on the design will be forfeit and the design placed back up for sale.
  3. Payment is to be made in full -- no payment plans will be accepted for this sale.
  4. There will be a 2 week transfer cooldown on these designs, starting from when the design is paid in full. The designs will not be able to be transferred to another user during the cooldown time.
  5. Designs may be traded, gifted, or resold. Maximum resale value is listed on the masterlist profiles for each design.
  6. Flat sale is open to everyone -- current owners and first time owners alike, and there is no limit for how many designs from this sale one person can claim.

To claim these designs, please reply to the artist of the design(s) you're interested in down below, and whether you'd prefer to be contacted on dA, toyhouse, or discord with your username! There will be no ending date for this sale -- as long as the title says "open" then there's a design available for purchase!

[Closed] August 2022 free raffle!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by rosewtrs
Raffle: KEY-022[Closed]
Design: rosewtrs ・ Art: rosewtrs

Caged Dreams

Raffle: KEY-023[Closed]
Design: rosewtrs ・ Art: rosewtrs

Star Sailor

Hi everyone! We wanted to do something a little bit different for this month's raffle. Instead of raffling off completed standard forms, this month's is more of a semi-MYO raffle! I have designed a few animal forms here, and the winners of each design will be allowed to design what the Keyper's standard form looks like! There is no deadline to have their standard form submitted by, and if you decide you don't want to design a standard form, then that's okay as well. The only rules for the standard form is that the traits cannot be changed, and markings/colors can be altered slightly if desired.

Raffle Rules

  1. This raffle is open to everyone!
  2. One design per winner -- if you win Caged Dreams, you'll be removed from the raffle pool for Star Sailor if you had entered for both.
  3. These designs CANNOT be sold, but MAY be traded or gifted after the 2 week cooldown is up.
  4. Raffle form will close at 4:00pm PST (so roughly 28 hours from the time this is posted). Winners will be rolled in the #raffle-rolls channel in the discord server!

How to enter for this raffle: Fill out the entry form here!